Thursday, April 29, 2010

How I Came to Snus and Why I'm Here

Welcome one and all. Here's a little about how I came to find snus. It started one day in July of 2008, in the sweltering heat of a Georgia summer after 6 hours of Marine Corps style PT. A fellow DEP recruit came up to me just as i was about to light up my last cig and offered me a portion of Triumph Mint. I obliged him and took an instant liking to it. I used it for 6 months(not the same portion obviously) and went online thinking that there had to be more than this. I went to my favorite detective Google and searched snus and came across I placed my first order and the rest is history. After poking around the getsnus forum and seeing it to be a little..."dead"(not zombie dead where there's slow paced activity..I mean body on the slab dead with a little jerk every now and then dead) I went back and Googled "snus forums". That's when I came across, made an account and have called it home ever since.

The reason I've started this blog is to give reviews of snus so that new snusers can get an idea of how certain snus taste and to help them make decisions on what to order.*

Also to give some tips on handbaking and storage that can be employed by newbs and vets alike.

Enjoy and Spread the word of the wonders of Swedish Snus.

*Reviews may be helpful but everyones tastes are different. You may find that you dislike a certain snus that I praise like a sex goddess.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you have a blog up, Tex.

    Great stuff to come from this guy, he has good taste. (I mean, he's friends with me.)

