Friday, April 30, 2010

LD Original Lös

Now here's a snus by JTI that is sure to deliver. It's described as having a fine grind, but I would classify it somewhere between Grovsnus and Röda Lacket. This snus is very moist (if it were a women she would probably be thinking of changing her panties) and holds together well under the lip whether you decide to handbake or hillbilly.

When you open the can you're greeted with a citrusy scent akin to a sour orange (this is the bergamont).If you can't imagine what that smell would be then think, muted lemon scented Pine-sol. Now that might sound offputting at first (I mean the only time you sit around and sniff Pine-sol is....well anyways), but once you learn to identify the scent of bergamont (and other aromas in different brands of snus) you will come to appreciate the complexity of certain brands and the simplicity of others.

Now I'd say this particular snus is has a comfortable mouth feel to it. You can throw LD in and forget about it (like that turkey in the oven...totally slipped your mind while the babysitter was over), and virtually no slide so you don't have to worry about mudmouth all to often.

So what does bergamont taste like? Well to my tongue of great experience it is simply a lemon minus a large percentage of sour (I never said it was experienced in taste so you can't sue if this is a little off), Somewhat sweet yet not overly so (you won't throw a prilla in and think hmmm I'll put this out for Halloween). I would describe it as a subtle explosion, It's not slapping you in the face but you don't have to call Dick Tracy to find it either (but you might need his help if you're looking for the tobacco flavor).

LD Original Lös is a quality product at a bargain price, so if you have a few extra bucks after your main order and you're looking for something to spend it on, then add this. If you end up not liking it, well you're only out a couple bucks. You can find it at

Grovsnus Lös

ROUGH. Just the way I like it...of course I'm talking about the grind of Grovsnus (not that other activities aren't also enjoyable in said way, but I digress). Made by Swedish Match, The "Grov" in Grovsnus means rough, large or coarse in swedish, so it would be fitting for the tobacco in Grovsnus to be ground into larger pieces, but enough about that. Let us get on to the good stuff (not that "good stuff" you tokers).

Open the can and take a whiff (most people would speak against this, but trust me this snus is definitely an exception to the "Don't Sniff, Don't Puke Violenty From Olfactory Overdose" rule). What do you smell? (If you answered anything other than the essence of God himself then I'm sorry you must have no sense of smell.) Yes folks, tobaccoey goodness. It reminds me of the scent that rises from dirt after a good rain, clean, inviting, calming, relaxing(I swear it's not the green herbal material you are all thinking it is), and pure. You may find extremely subtle hints of some sort of smokiness but no need to make something so simple(not in a bad way) so complex.

How does it feel in the mouth? (Go ahead ask your Significant Other that question one day, tell them I ok'd it...although for you women might be a bit strange if you ask your man that..just saying). It's quite comfortable, holds together well, and will definitely last for an hour or more if you know what you're doing(yes, that too). Chainsnusing Grovsnus is something I wouldn't recommend to someone that has sensitive gums at first as prolonged use could cause gum pain due to the coarseness of this particular snus(salt also being a contributing factor to what is known around the snus world as "pickle or wrinkle lip").

On to the taste...Now when I say this is one of THE best snus out there I'm not just saying it. Pure tobacco, robust and slightly salty, not sweet and never bitter from my experiences. This is a snus that one could easily use all day and not burn out on...Lets put it into perspective. If I were to ever drop an tin of Grovsnus over the side of the bear exhibit at the zoo and there just so happens to be a bear right next to it, that bear better watch out (Grovsnus gives you the strength of 50 men if you didn't know...or that could just be the adrenaline rush you get from facing down a full size bear on its hinds with teeth bearing...but it's most likely the Grovsnus).

All in all, Grovsnus is definitely a great all around snus that can be enjoyed by the older and younger generations and appreciated for its savory simplisticism(it's a word, I saw it on urban dictionary). Head over to to grab a few cans.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How I Came to Snus and Why I'm Here

Welcome one and all. Here's a little about how I came to find snus. It started one day in July of 2008, in the sweltering heat of a Georgia summer after 6 hours of Marine Corps style PT. A fellow DEP recruit came up to me just as i was about to light up my last cig and offered me a portion of Triumph Mint. I obliged him and took an instant liking to it. I used it for 6 months(not the same portion obviously) and went online thinking that there had to be more than this. I went to my favorite detective Google and searched snus and came across I placed my first order and the rest is history. After poking around the getsnus forum and seeing it to be a little..."dead"(not zombie dead where there's slow paced activity..I mean body on the slab dead with a little jerk every now and then dead) I went back and Googled "snus forums". That's when I came across, made an account and have called it home ever since.

The reason I've started this blog is to give reviews of snus so that new snusers can get an idea of how certain snus taste and to help them make decisions on what to order.*

Also to give some tips on handbaking and storage that can be employed by newbs and vets alike.

Enjoy and Spread the word of the wonders of Swedish Snus.

*Reviews may be helpful but everyones tastes are different. You may find that you dislike a certain snus that I praise like a sex goddess.