Here we go again! Thunder ES Berry Blend is one of the flavors available from the Extra Stark line of snus from V2. Now stop. Berry? YES, berry. Unlike any other snus that's out right now and carrying 16mg nic/g this is definitely not for the loose of bowel.
Not the strongest smelling snus available, but don't let that faint scent fool you. It smells like fruit punch (go ahead smell that haiwaiin punch in your fridge). Somewhat sweet, but not overly so, Thunder ES Berry Blend actually has quite a pleasing aroma as far as snus smells go.
Now at one point V2 didn't make the best portions in the world, but they have improved drastically. The portion feels nice under the lip and isn't very abrasive. Now I'm not saying that V2's portion material is the king of kings, but it is pretty damn good compared to the old ways.
A cup of strawberry, a dash of bluberry, and an orgy of various others. That is what you get with Thunder ES Berry Blend. NO CHERRY, according to a few reports by others, but some people will swear it's in there somewhere. Once again we go back to the fruit punch comparison. A fruit punch snus, come on, it can't be real. Oh but it is. Thunder ES Berry Blend is the product of a wild drunken one night stand between fruit punch and tobacco. A wonderful, beautiful offspring indeed.
Would I recommend this snus to anybody? Would a politician lie to you? Of course. This is a unique snus and should be given a chance by any and everybody. The extra nick is also helpful for people trying to kick the cig habit. So what are you waiting for? Head over to The Northerner and throw a few cans in your next order.